Serve With Us
Now is your opportunity to serve! Philemon 1:6 "I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." It's an awesome thing to experience the Holy Spirit working through you as you serve others. We get excited just talking about it! You will too once you get involved. Some ministry opportunities require short volunteer training sessions and back ground checks (at no cost). We can help you to plug into a ministry, provide education, and answer questions that you might have. Contact us and we'll get you involved in serving God. May God fan into flame the gift inside of you!
Ministry Opportunities
Adult Bible Study and Discipleship:
Fellowship and bible studies at Wake Correctional Center.
Mondays and Friday nights 7:30-9:00 pm
Juvenile Detention and Youth Development Centers:
Share the Word and be a Mentor. Group and one-on-one interaction.
Chatham Youth Development Center - Siler City, NC
Ministry to Girls/Boys 13-17 years of age
2nd and 4th Sunday of Every Month. 2pm-6pm
Edgecombe Youth Development Center - Rocky Mount, NC
Ministry to boys 13-17 years of age
3rd Sunday of Every Month. 2pm-6pm
North Hills Transitional House for Girls:
Ministry to girls only 16-18 years of age. Some have transitioned from the Youth Development Centers.
Bible study and mentoring every Thursday evening 7:30-8:30.
Transitional House Support:
Be a blessing by volunteering to serve at one of our three transitional houses for men. Ministry includes mentoring, life skills training, financial budgeting, employment assistance, and bible studies. You may also minister by providing food services, transportation, house and yard maintenance, and financial assistance. We need you to help these men establish themselves in the Christian community!!!
Family Support Ministry:
If you or your family have a loved one that has been incarcerated or your family in any way has been affected by incarceration, We invite you to check out our support ministry. Our ministry is Christ centered, Holy Spirit lead, and founded on biblical principles. Family members and friends of those incarcerated find themselves in emotional, financial, situational, and relational hardships with nowhere to turn. We want to reach out with dignity and respect; to strengthen and encourage those in need. Our gatherings will be facilitated with speakers, group interaction, and the development of one to one relationships.
Meeting Info:
When: Second and Fourth Tuesday night of each month
Where: Peace Presbyterian Church, PCA (Presbyterian Church in America)
1777 West Chatham Street, Music Room (C-101)
Cary, NC 27513
Zoom available for folks that are out of the area.
Time: 7:00- 8:30 PM
Community Passes:
Mentor an adult inmate as you escort her/him on community leaves from prison. There is nothing greater than investing yourself in helping an inmate transition back into the community. These passes are typically 4-6 hours. Typical excursions include taking them to church and out to eat. A wonderful opportunity for fellowship and mentorship. This ministry is very important to help inmates feel a part of society again. You must attend volunteer training at the facility. Your help is needed!